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How we Help you

We help you how to get around town without a car.

There are alternatives to driving. Choosing these alternatives will save you money, help you reach or exceed your fitness goals and have a meaningful impact on the environment. 

We help you overcome the challenges of chosing active transport by:


  • Identifying micro-mobility and transit-friendly routes for commutes to work, school, and other frequently visited destinations. (learn more)​​

  • Helping our clients repair or upgrade micromobility vehicles to match their travel needs. (learn more)

  • Helping our clients understand the positive impact of their travel choices. (learn more



(what you get from us)


  • Transportation Assessment Report:​

    • Understand your travel habits today to make informed choices

    • See how changing how you travel will help your pocket book, fitness and your environment

  • Bikeable/Walkable Trip Maps:

    • Based on your needs preferences you get Google or Apple Maps routes for the most bikeable/walkable daily trips.

  • Green Transport Assistance:

    • We help you choose the right  bike to fit your body and to match your transportation needs. Then we help you kit out (or fix up the one you already have).

Scheduling a mobility assessment is the first step to understanding how you might get around town in more economical, enjoyable and sustainable ways. 

Start The Conversation

We're writing a lot of informative articles about active transport.

We want to empower you to transform the way you get around town. 

Not ready to reach out?

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